web design services
As a small business owner myself, I understand the importance of a web presence and cannot stress it enough. I know the ins and outs of web design; I have the capabilities and the time to make your life easier; and I promise to offer fair and competitive prices.
No prices are set in stone, please contact me for a quote – I can work with any circumstance or idea
Click the links below to view some the websites I've designed.
What do your website packages come with?
- 1 free year of a custom domain
- SEO (search engine optimization)
- Graphic Design Services
- Website management training
I need to update my website, can you do that? Is there a fee?
Absolutely, I can update your website! However, I can also train you on how to update your website on your own.
Once your website is designed, you may need maintenance completed (new photos added, change in copy, price adjustment, etc.). This fee is $17/hour.
What website builders are you proficient in?
- WordPress
- SquareSpace
- Shopify
- Wix
Will I be charged annual fees?
Your initial setup fee covers costs (unless otherwise specified) for one year. After 365 days, you will be charged a fee for web hosting and yearly domain registration. Domain fees are usually around $20/year and web hosting fees can range anywhere from $150-$600, depending on the functions of your website.
What if my website needs a little more TLC than the occasional update?
After the initial cost, a monthly maintenance fee of $100-250 will be charged if your website requires weekly or monthly maintenance and management. The monthly fee covers my cost to house your website and my fee to maintain it and change content such as text, photos, and videos.